Из даташита на EN25T80: SRP bit / OTP_LOCK bit.

Из даташита на EN25T80:

SRP bit / OTP_LOCK bit. The Status Register Protect (SRP) bit is operated in conjunction with the Write
Protect (WP#) signal. The Status Register Write Protect (SRP) bit and Write Protect (WP#) signal allow
the device to be put in the Hardware Protected mode (when the Status Register Protect (SRP) bit is set to
1, and Write Protect (WP#) is driven Low). In this mode, the non-volatile bits of the Status Register (SRP,
BP2, BP1, BP0) become read-only bits and the Write Status Register (WRSR) instruction is no longer

accepted for execution.
In OTP mode, this bit is served as OTP_LOCK bit, user can read/program/erase OTP sector as normal
sector while OTP_LOCK value is equal 0, after OTP_LOCK is programmed with 1 by WRSR command,
the OTP sector is protected from program and erase operation. The OTP_LOCK bit can only be
programmed once.

Note : In OTP mode, the WRSR command will ignore any input data and program OTP_LOCK bit to 1, user
must clear the protect bits before enter OTP mode and program the OTP code, then execute WRSR command
to lock the OTP sector before leaving OTP mode.

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