3Com Configuration and Diagnostics program for DOS
Configure the NIC locally using the 3Com Configuration and Diagnostics program for DOS:
1 Reboot the PC using a DOS-bootable diskette.
2 Insert the EtherCD in the PC.
3 Enter at the DOS prompt:

See the DOSDIAG.TXT file located in the HELP directory on the EtherCD for more information.

3 Reboot the PC.
The MBA attempts to boot from the network using the default boot method PXE.
To change the default method or any other MBA configurations, press Ctrl+Alt+B when the following message appears:
Initializing MBA. Press Ctrl+Alt+B to configure...
If the network boot fails, the following message appears:
Network boot aborted, press any key to continue
The BIOS continues to the next device in the boot order (for example, the local hard drive).
To cancel the network boot, press Esc anytime during the network boot process

3c90xcfg.rar 179.12 КБ
905cuser.rar 1.26 МБ