Указал унифлешу, что этот биос - "SST 49LF008(A)".
Он начал шить. Прошил до половины, потом треть общего обьема писал ошибки, потом опять начал шить. Итого имею дырку в прошивке...

6.8 Dual BIOS
The W39V080FA provides a solution for Dual-BIOS application. In FWH mode, when D/#F is low, the
device functions as a full-chip partition of 8M-bit which address ranges from FFFFFh to 00000h with
A[19:0]. If D/#F is driven high, the device functions as a dual-block partition that each block consists of
4M-bit. For dual-block partition, there is only one 4M-bit block, either upper or lower, can be
accessed. The U/#L pin selects either upper or lower 4M-bit block and its address ranges from
7FFFFh to 00000h with A[19:0]. When U/#L is low, the lower 4M-bit block will be selected; while, U/#L
is high, the upper 4M-bit block will be selected.

Прошить хотсвапом W39V080FAPZ реально? Каким флешером?