Вроде есть что-то интересное. Также с википедии: Card
Вроде есть что-то интересное.

Также с википедии:
"Card password

A host device can lock an SD card using a password of up to 16 bytes, typically supplied by the user. A locked card interacts normally with the host device except that it rejects commands to read and write data. A locked card can be unlocked only by providing the same password. The host device can, after supplying the old password, specify a new password or disable locking. Without the password (typically, in the case that the user forgets the password), the host device can command the card to erase all the data on the card for future re-use (except card data under DRM), but there is no way to gain access to the existing data."
т.е. пароль софтварный(а следовательно тестпоинты не помогут) - надо просто форматировать.