I want to share with members what was

I want to share with members what was problem with broking footers on mobos I was taking of bridges:
Lower temperature was to high. In order to take of bridge as soon is posible from reciver mobo (bridge is already dead so I thought he can`t die again:) I put temperaure almost 350 degrees for lower heater (measured with temperature sonde). How stupid of me!!!
Result was many broken footers on many mobos.

Right way is to put lower temperature for lower heater (on my experiments for lead free solder about 200-220 degrees) and use uper heating (I use AOUE 857A++) on 310 degrees. I found that lowest temperature to melt lead free solder with my heater is 310 degrees (acording to heater digital display). Of course, temperature on bridge is not 310 degrees but much less when heated air fall to it. Bridge is heating realy on 180-210 degrees (measured with temperature sonde).
Result is quick taking of bridges without footer defects. Also, bridges from donors wont die during procedure and balls with motly wil be on place so realling is not neaded.

Root, you were right about my technology of solder/desolder chips. Thank`s