A way to prevent 'www.ROM.by...' in the POST screen?

(I'm sorry, I don't speak Russian)

Is there any way to prevent BIOS Patcher from inserting 'www.ROM.by, BIOS Patch v.4.23' into the POST screen?

You know, this is something like "Copyright". Frankly speaking, I don't think Apple_Rom will remove this address because your BIOS is patched with his BIOS_Patcher. And why don't you like it?

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Also this versin is freeware. I think apple_rom can write custom version dedicated for your business.

Макс, Hohmach, I really like apple_rom's BIOS Patcher. I think it's fair to say that most people who use it are system tweakers who like to customize their PCs. So why not allow the user this one more 'customization'?

Of course, I can understand pride :P

I agree, but this is the only pay for BIOS_patcher. I'll repeat: if you need it for your busyness, Apple_Rom will make a commercial version without the address.

Hey, don't you hear me? I'm still here. Even if you don't...

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