Pentium Pro в Slot1

Пытаюсь запустить Pentium Pro через переходник в Slot1 мамке через такой девайс

испробовал несколько материнок ни на одной не запустился, на некоторых появляется название мамки и всё, остальные чёрный экран. пытался Bios patcher добавить в Bios процессор Pentium Pro на материнке Acorp 6BX81 (на ней появляется название мамки!) но после обработки Биоса Bios patcher и прошивки мамка перестала запускаться. буду востанавливать биос, Но это не главное , основной вопрос как запустить Pentium Pro на Slot1 мамке. Мне с форума дали ссылку на этот форум, но я что то не нашёл о Pentium Pro ничего может плохо искал

Hey Max, I don't speak russian, but I translated with google. Great to know, there is another nerd who wants to run a PPro on Slot. I need also help. I have the P2L97S which runs great with BIOS 0102S. I want to build a dual-system on an Asus P2l97-DS with PPro. I need a modified BIOS for the P2L97DS, the earlierst Version is 0104DS I could find. There must be an older version or is it possible to use the 0102S and integrade into he 0104DS?


Аватар пользователя max1024

Hi Markus! I saw your topics on and another sites, dated year 2012 and later. My friend works on bios modification on Asus P2L97-S, also we try another Asus LX & BX boards, our project seems to done on 65% and hope we can run pair of Pentium Pro on dual SLOT1 motherboards. I also noticed, that on earliest bios version on LX Asus MB PPro works good, but there is a lot of technical information that to run correctly two PPros on them. When we have finally done our project, I think I'll write about our experiments on the web, I if you want to be in this case, let me your e-mail, I let you know when all be done.

Hey Max, great to read about your project. I also have a P2L97-S with BIOS great, also with black PPro. I also have a working Abit LX6. Works only with BIOS 7Q and 7T.

I bought a Gigabyte GA-686DLX dual board. It boots up with only one PPro installed, but freezes after detecting the drives and only with BIOS earlier 1.20. Detects the PPro as Pentium 2.
When two PPros installed, it stops after showing the CPU-Typ:(

I want two PPros working on a Dual Slot1 board. There was such a system with a P2L97-DS out there. I think it works with a BIOS version below DS0104, but I couldnt find such a version. Maybe you can hack Version DS0104 Or newer ones !

Here is my email: thequeaver [at] gmx [dot] de - if you have news, let me know!

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