LS 6ABX2V Ver. 1.2 128 Mbit Нужен bios

Нужен bios с поддержкой выставления 100 Mhz

Пытался patcher'ом , но чего -то не выходит

Если кому не сложно напишите.


А как патчером не выходит? Не заметно результата или виснет-глючит после прошивки?

С уважением,
Андрей aka Angel07

Патчит он и выдает:
BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 1Mbit BIOS!
Remove "otkat" (backup key)

1. New CPU Support : -> fixed.
2. P3-detect error : -> fixed.
3. New Koeffs Support :> -> fixed.
4. 32Gb-problem : not found.

5. Some HDD detect-problem : not found.
6. "MB"/"GB" string search : is not needed to be fixed.
9. Error display Freq>999MHz : not found.
10.Error display Koefs>9.5x : not found.
11.New Stepping Support : is not needed to be fixed.
12.Tualatin L2-init error : not found.
13.New Freq in Setup open : not found.

14.Set "Y" as default on exit: -> fixed.

UDMA for "big"-HDD on UDMA33_only_MB fix: not found.

CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
[CPUCODE] ROM is releaseCBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding modul.tmp 27.5%
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding start.tmp 87.5%
CBROM V2.07 (C)Award Software 2000 All Rights Reserved.
Adding cpucode.bin 54.3%

if you can`t see all messages - choose 80x50 mode or run with ">report.txt".
(c)2002-2003 apple_rom,

НО в BIOS'е как было 66-75-83 MHz

Аватар пользователя rgt

Roman А какой именно у Вас процессор? Может Вам не патчер а изоляцмия B21 нужна?

За несоответствие действительности Вашим о ней представлениям администрация форума ответственности не несет.

У меня Celeron 333A

Лучше конечно бы в биосе

Аватар пользователя rgt

Roman Читать, над прочитанным думать, не забывая и про то что у слотовых Мендлчин 300A на сотой шине стабильно работало (в т.ч. с подъемом Vcore до 2.1 - 2.2V) применрно половина, а из 333А до 500 даже с подъемом Vcore до 2.4V не более 10% гналолсь.

За несоответствие действительности Вашим о ней представлениям администрация форума ответственности не несет.

А как же я получу 100 Mhz если bios не дает их.

Процессор приудительно просит 100 Mhz, а bios не понимает чего от него нужно?

Я правильно понял?

Аватар пользователя rgt

Roman Частоты формирует клокер, который может получать информацию о требуемой FSB с ног BF0 м BF1 процессора, либо с перемычек, либо с некоторого управляемого через БИОС регистра. В наличие последнего на Вашей LS мне слабо верится. Перемычки или изоляция B21 куда реальнее, а БИОС только констатирует что процессор стал не 333 а 500 мегагерцовый, если, конечно Вам повезет с разгоном.

За несоответствие действительности Вашим о ней представлениям администрация форума ответственности не несет.

Спасибо за помощь.

Но вот такой вопрос: а трудно самому дописать в bios 100Mhz вместо 75 или 83?

Аватар пользователя savely

To Roman: Поищи-ка на мат. плате (или в мануале, если есть) перемычку типа Auto/66/100. На 90% уверен, что она есть...

Блин, писать объяснения долго. В общем - нормальный там BIOS, и не с ним проблема. Перемычку ищи, ставь на 100.

Вот, блин, цитата. Заметь, вторая ссылка на Гугле по запросу "6ABX2V"

The Turbo 66 jumper allows to turn on or off manually the control on the B21 pin of the CPU; when the jumper is open you can use the bus frequencies above 100 MHz even with CPUs designed to be used with bus at 66 MHz without having to manually cover the B21 pin of the CPU

А кому счас легко...


Technical specifications
Intel 440BX
Bios Manufacturer
Bus frequencies
66-75-83-100-103-112-133 Mhz
Frequencies multipliers
Simm memory Slots
Dimm memory Slots
PCI Slot
5 (all for full length cards; the last PCI Slot is shared with the first ISA one)
ISA Slot
2 (all for full length cards)
AGP Slot
EIDE and I/O Controller
2 EIDE channels; 2 serial; 1 parallel; 2 USB port; PS/2 mouse and keyboard

Instruction manual; driver and software CD-ROM; Pentium II and Celeron processor guide; EIDE and Floppy cables


6ABX2V is a typical taiwanese motherboard, so it includes the main technical features required by a Slot 1 based on the Intel 440BX chipset, but it isn’t very detailed, particularly in terms of construction; its advantage is obviously the cost. The components are put in the typical way of the Slot 1 motherboard in ATX format, with the expansion Slots in the inferior part of the motherboard, while the Slot 1 and the memory benches are on the upper part. The construction quality is quite good, but worse than that of other products: the memory benches are rather cheap and they difficult support the modules; this is the same for the expansion Slots. Around the CPU there is a number of capacitors, 5 at 1500µF and some others smaller; some other capacitors are put in the critical area of the motherboard such as the PCI and AGP Slots, as well as the memory benches. The ATX power connector is put between the Slot 1 and the USB ports in a position difficult to access when the CPU is installed. While the connectors for the EIDE channels and Floppy are put on the opposite side, next to the memory benches and they are easy to access (they all have plastic inserting guides). The north bridge of the CPU is covered by a green aluminium waster, for a better heat dissipation; on the inferior part of the motherboard there are the connectors for the case LED and buttons, all with clear serigraphs.

The motherboard includes hardware monitoring functions (in the left picture note the sensor for the CPU temperature), which allow to check the CPU temperature (or better the temperature of the area around the CPU Core), the power voltages and the rotation speed of the two tachometric fans (there are three connectors for the tachometric fans, respectively next to the Slot 1, in the middle next to the AGP Slot, and at the bottom behind the last ISA Slot).
There are also some connectors for SB-Link for PCI, WOL (Wake On Lan) audio cards and for the Irda port.
The user’s manual isn’t very good even if it describes in detail the technical features of the motherboard, as well as the settings of the Award BIOS; unfortunately it is difficult to understand it for those who aren’t experienced with a motherboard configuration. In the CD-ROM included there are the drivers for the operating system (Bus Master Intel and patches for Windows 95) as well as a software for hardware monitoring functions for the operating systems.


Following are the settings for the bios used with the motherboards during the tests: they refer to the bus frequency of 100 MHz.

Auto configuration

EDO DRAM Speed Selection

EDO CASx# MA Wait State

EDO RASx# Wait State


SDRAM RAS Precharge Time

SDRAM CAS Latency Time

DRAM Precharge Control

DRAM Data Integrity Mode

Video Bios Cacheable

System Bios Cacheable

Video Ram Cacheable

16-bit I/O Recovery Time

8-bit I/O Recovery Time

Passive Release

Delayed Transaction

AGP Aperture Size
64 Mbyte

Technical Notes - Settings

You can set the processor features (frequency multiplier and bus frequency) through the BIOS; you can select the autodetect feature using the Chipset Features Setup item or forcing manually the parameters. The Turbo 66 jumper allows to turn on or off manually the control on the B21 pin of the CPU; when the jumper is open you can use the bus frequencies above 100 MHz even with CPUs designed to be used with bus at 66 MHz without having to manually cover the B21 pin of the CPU.

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