Help me repair mainboard

you can help me repair mainboard ok???

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Аватар пользователя Dr.Rer.Nat

What happens than?:)
What's the problem? Can you tell the model of a mobo at least...

Моя метрвая МАМКА вчера ко мне пришла, все грозила кулаком, называла дураком

I do not understand the reason why the cpu is not working.'ve fully checked the source. Please give me comments
note: mainboard MSI G41-P28 7592-5.2

Аватар пользователя Dr.Rer.Nat

What do you mean "CPU is not working"? Is CPU_Vcore present?
Is DDR power (1.5V) present?
tell us the name of PWM controller of CPU VRM (a chip in qfn-package near socket)
Is your CPU Ok, and does it supported by this mobo? Check in CPU support list on official MSI website

Моя метрвая МАМКА вчера ко мне пришла, все грозила кулаком, называла дураком

I checked the source vCore ok! but the problem is, the cpu does not work, test card show FF, I checked the h_cpurst # 0.2v, compare well with the mainboard h_cpurst # 1.2v

anyone can give me study material mainboard repair, I was a repairman, but I need to know the principles of operation of a mainboard, I was out of warranty staff for MSI mainboard in Vietnam

Аватар пользователя Dr.Rer.Nat

is this cpu supported by the mainboard?
What about CPU_CLK?
It is commonly accepted to publish results of measurements here, including voltage values, signal names / component positional numbers. So feel free, exact values gain successful repairment:)

Моя метрвая МАМКА вчера ко мне пришла, все грозила кулаком, называла дураком

Аватар пользователя Dr.Rer.Nat

Relating to your question about learning materials. There is a series of excellent documets from ASUS exists, you cat try to find it via google using "MB Lx Training Materials", where x is a number of a document. Check this, for example

Моя метрвая МАМКА вчера ко мне пришла, все грозила кулаком, называла дураком

thank you very much, I have seen many articles in the mainboard or, but I do not know where to find it, you can just give me (give me the link to download the no ). thank you

Аватар пользователя Dr.Rer.Nat

everything is much simpler, numbers are 1,2,3

Моя метрвая МАМКА вчера ко мне пришла, все грозила кулаком, называла дураком

thank you a lot, you can give me more keywords to search for learning materials not edit mainboard. I want to better understand the principles of operation mainboard. I thank you

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