There is no CPU supply.
On ADP3181 VID-s present according to CPU type (diferent CPU-s arranging diferent VID-s). I don`t have exact ADP3181 so I tried with ADP 3180, 3186, 3166 and 3168 with no effect.
I measured on VID-s 0.13V for logical 0 and 0.6-0.7V for logical 1. Is that enough volts to start шим to generate propriate voltage on output? In datasheet there is only general information about voltage range for VID-s and its form -0.3V to 5.5V.

ADP3181 писал(-а):
Input Low Voltage VIL(VID)
-- CPUID > 4.5 V -------------- 0.8 V (max)
-- CPUID < 4.0 V -------------- 0.4 V (max)
Input High Voltage VIH(VID)
-- CPUID > 4.5 V -------------- 2.0 V (min)
-- CPUID < 4.0 V -------------- 0.8 V (min)

Voltage on EN and DELAY pin?

Аватар пользователя Jega

Thank`s Maco.
I t showed that northbridge is problem. He`s not heating to much, but, when I measured resistence on hese supply to null it showed that all values are close to shortcut(1-2 Ohm) :(
There is good ICH5 south on mobo for donation:)

Аватар пользователя Max

There is good ICH5 south on mobo for donation:)

В него тоже VCORE поступает, это точно не у него КЗ?

Аватар пользователя Jega

All resistence and voltages on south are present and propriate. Also, north became so warm after few minutes that I could bake egg on him.

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