Example 1: C123 - 0.1u 16V (0402);

почему тогда не все элементы на плате содержат букву P? В чем отличие от, например, C210 и PC210?
Example 1:
C123 - 0.1u 16V (0402);
PC123 - 0.1u 16V (0402).
C123 and PC123 used to filter.
- PC123 located on the sheet, which contains the switching converter;
- C123 located on the sheet, which contains the southbridge.

Example 2:
PQ123 - 2N7002 (SOT-23);
Q123 - IRLML6402 (SOT-23).
PQ123 used to inverting SUSB#(with PR123 - 100k (0402)).
Q123 - power supply (3.3V) switch.

- PQ123 located on the sheet, which contains 7 power switches;
- Q123 located on the sheet, which contains the miniPCI-E connector.

--> P --> located on the sheets, which mostly contain the power shematic.

Буква P впереди всех буквенных маркировок означает PWM (ШИМ контроллер) и его обвязку.
Not PWM, only Power.

TP, TPAD (например TP20) - Thermal Pad - Термопрокладка
TP - Test Point, for example.
For PCB: Thermal Pad (En) = Контактная площадка для отвода тепла (Ru).

RN - Многоконтактный резистор_
bourns.com --> Resistor Networks and Chip Arrays --> RTFD.

Y (например Y6) - Кристальный осциллятор
Crystal oscillator (En) = Кварцевый осциллятор/генератор (Ru).
But usually crystal oscillator = crystal + scheme.
Crystal (En) = Кварцевый резонатор (Ru).
Y used for crystal oscillators and crystals.