M/B ProComp BIW1B (i810/s370)

M/B ProComp BIW1B Slot1/Socket370 +SVGA+Audio AC" 97 Dual Power 2DIMM

пытаюсь пропатчить вот это добро (по-идее авардовский биос):


по ключику /e

BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 4Mbit BIOS!

BIOS-PartName Segm:Offs  Compress/Real_Size "Official" name - what`s meanining

в штатном режиме:

BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 4Mbit BIOS!

1. New CPU Support           : not found.
2. P3-detect error           : not found.
3. New Koeffs Support        : not found.
4. 32Gb-problem              : not found.
5. Some HDD detect-problem   : not found.
6. "MB"/"GB" string search   : not found.
9. Error display Freq>999MHz : not found.
10.Error display Koefs>9.5x  : not found.
11.New Stepping Support      : Warning! Not found "genu"!
12.Tualatin L2-init error    : not found.
13.New Freq in Setup open    : not found.

14.Set "Y" as default on exit: not found.

UDMA for "big"-HDD on UDMA33_only_MB fix: not found.

методом "научного тыка" отрезал первые 128Кбайт (по 0x30000)
и по ключику /e вижу:

BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 4Mbit BIOS!

BIOS-PartName Segm:Offs  Compress/Real_Size "Official" name - what`s meanining
BIWXB161.BIN  5000:0000 0001:1773/0002:0000 "original.tmp" - MAIN part
awardext.rom  407F:0000 0000:93DC/0000:D9E0 "awardext.rom" - ALT part
ACPITBL.BIN   4003:0000 0000:178B/0000:3792 "ACPITBL.bin" - ACPI table
AwardBmp.bmp  4002:0000 0000:0282/0000:168C "awardepa.bmp" - EPA picture
_EN_CODE.BIN  4029:0000 0000:0EB5/0000:1DD0 "_en_code.bin" - engl-txt Setup
i810.vga      4080:0000 0000:56AB/0000:A000 "VGA.rom" - video-BIOS
AWDFLASH.EXE  4026:0000 0000:4389/0000:7B99
modul.tmp     4E00:0000 0000:01F2/0000:0E6E "modul.tmp" -  BIOS Patcher file
start.tmp     2219:0009 0000:001C/0000:0020
cpucode.bin   4001:0000 0000:54FE/0000:9800 "cpucode.bin" - microcodes
CPU_microcodes (CPUID/version/type):
06B4>0001/Sock  06B1>001C/Sock  068A>0001/Sock  0686>0008/Sock  0686>0007/Slot  0683>0014/Sock  0683>0013/Slot  0681>0011/Sock  0681>000D/Slot  0673>000E/Slot  0672>0010/Slot  0665>0003/Sock  0660>000A/Slot  0653>0010/Slot  0652>002A/Slot  0651>0040/Slot  0650>0040/Slot  0634>0035/Slot  0633>0034/Slot

запускаю патчер на этот отрезок в штатном режиме:

BIOS Patcher ver. 4.23.
Attention! Advanced qualification is required!

Found 4Mbit BIOS!
Can`t find "*BBSS*"!
error - cant find start.modul!error!

но тем не менее, в этом файлике *BBSS* присутствует, причем не один раз..

вопрос стандартный - куда копать? :(

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