I broke my intel 815EP motherboard

I flashed my intel 815EP motherboard with ITE I/O chip.
My flashed EPROM was 815EP but with Winbond I/O chip.
I don't knew that. And now My Processor and Monitor on. But keyboard doesn't run and give a message that "floppy error 40".
Please help me. How could I fix this? I have old EPROM file on my hard disk. How could I flash this file?

Thank u!

Intel manufactured mainbords has bios recovery jumper

Аватар пользователя rgt

IMHO NeoDd has MB NOT by Intel. Intel's flash BIOS utility prevent flashing wrong BIOS. Old or new but adequate BIOS can be flashed in service, or yоu can do it on working motherbofrd with same type Eprom if Eprom chip placed in socket. This method is called "Hot-swap"

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Hi. Can you boot from hdd or it's impossible by floppy error (or something else)?

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