Blown up component on P4P800SE

I've made short cirquit on the cpu-fan header on that motherboard.
As result the chip under the cpu-fan header in package SOT428 / DPAK has splited in pieces.
So I don't know whether it was a transistor or an IC.
Please anyone who has such MB to check the marking and post it here.
Thanks in advance!

p.s. I'm newbie to this forum and also I want to ask for rever to a schematic of USB ESD protection for ICH5 and above.

Аватар пользователя Root

pls, post here the positional number of element (such as Q512 or U43)

Аццкий ромбовод {:€
Я пока не волшебник - я только учусь! :-P

It is P-channel AP3310H with marking "3310H" made by "Advanced Power Electronics Corp."

As far as I can see corectly its position on the MB's PCB is Q93, but this is not important any more.

Its function is a buffer drive between na PWM and the CPU-FAN.
Now I should buy a suitable match and replace the poor remains of the old AP3310H.

Edit: Был успешно заменён на IRFR5305 Все работает в полном порядке.

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