ASUS P2L97-DS - Looking for an very early BIOS version

Hi there,

does someone have an older BIOS version than 0104 for the ASUS P2L97-DS?

on the web are avialable:

furthermore I have a special version:

vmp 107-4 * ASUS P2L97-D

I need an older version with Pentium Pro (unofficial support) microcode incl.
I want to build a SMP Pentium Pro system with the help of two Asus Socket 8 to Slot 1 converters.

There must be an earlier or an original version, maybe 0101 or 0102
I know two people from Germany and America, who had such a system years ago. But booth people cant remember which BIOS version they used..

I hope someone has this board or has a back up from an earlier BIOS version

thx a lot...Markus

наверное, самые старые, что сохранились в природе

Yes, I know. But all this versions dont work with my PPro. I also used BIOS patcher, but it doesnt work with PPro.

There must be an earlier version. LXDS0104 was the first BIOS update. I hope someone did a back up of a previous version.

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